Welcome to SkillsUSA Ohio
We define SkillsUSA as a partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. SkillsUSA helps each student excel. SkillsUSA’s mission is to help its members become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens.
SkillsUSA has over 360,000 members around the nation, with over 100,000 graduating every year! Our focus is empowering youth to be what keeps the United State’s workforce competitive in our growing world. When you are in SkillsUSA, you are the future.
You can either show off your skills and become a champion or become a leader of your community as a SkillsUSA officer, and potentially work your way on to becoming a national officer. Through SkillUSA, members have received job offers, traveled the world, and landed their dream jobs. That can be you!

What would YOU
like to know?
What Is SkillsUSA?
Watch this video to get an idea about the framework of SkillsUSA.
List of ALL Competitions
- Additive Manufacturing
- Advertising Design
- American Spirit
- Architectural Drafting
- Art Show - State Only
- Audio/Radio Production
- Automated Manufacturing
- Automotive Refinishing
- Automotive Service Technology
- Aviation Maintenance
- Baking & Pastry Arts
- Barbering
- Basic Healthcare Skills
- Battle Bots
- Broadcast News Production
- Building Maintenance
- Cabinetmaking
- Career Pathways Showcase
- Carpentry
- Chapter Display
- CNC Milling
- CNC Technician
- CNC Turning
- Collision Repair
- Community Service
- Computer Programming
- Collision Damage Appraisal & Total Loss Evaluation
- Cosmetology
- Creative Design Sculpture
- Crime Scene Investigation
- Criminal Justice
- Cyber Security
- Culinary Arts
- Customer Service
- Delegate Assembly - Officer Elections
- Official Delegate Strength
- Dental Assisting
- Diesel Equipment Technology
- Digital Cinema Production
- Drone
- Early Childhood Education
- Electrical Construction Wiring
- Electronics Technology
- Engineering Technology/Design
- Entrepreneurship
- Environmental Services
- Esthetics
- Extemporaneous Speaking
- Firefighting
- First Aid/CPR
- Graphic Communications
- Health Knowledge Bowl
- Health Occupations Professional Portfolio
- Horticulture - State Only
- Heavy Equipment Operations
- Industrial Motor Control
- Information Technology Services
- Interactive Application & Video Game Design
- Internetworking
- Job Interview
- Job Skills Demo A
- Job Skills Demo Open
- Maintenance and Light Repair (MLR) - Automotive
- Masonry
- Mechatronics
- Medical Assisting
- Medical Math
- Medical Terminology
- Mobile Robotics
- Motorcycle Service Technology
- Nail Care
- Nurse Assisting
- Opening and Closing
- Phlebotomy
- Photography
- Pin Design Contest
- Plumbing
- Power Equipment Technologies
- Practical Nursing
- Precision Machining North
- Precision Machining South
- Prepared Speech
- Principles of Engineering/Technology
- Promotional Bulletin Board
- Quiz Bowl
- Related Technical Math
- Restaurant Service
- Robotics and Automation Technology
- Robotics: Urban Search and Rescue
- Sheet Metal
- T-Shirt Design Contest
- TeamWorks
- Technical Computer Applications
- Technical Drafting
- Web Design
- Welding
- Welding Fabrication
- Welding Sculpture
Before you can truly begin your journey as a “Champion at Work” you have to make sure your school has a registered chapter! A chapter requires at least 1 teacher, 6 students, Bylaws, and a Charter. If you have a chapter, work with a your advisor at your school to get you registered, it’s pretty easy and afterward you can focus on your future success in SkillsUSA.

SkillsUSA Officers

SkillsUSA Ohio Office:
2550 Corporate Exchange Drive, Suite 115
Columbus, OH 43231
Ohio Department of Education & Workforce:
25 S. Front St MS #608
Columbus, OH 43215