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March 4-April 30, 2021





3/18/2021: Please note not all contests will have schedules and we are updating these daily. The schedule and dates on the contest calendar will override dates in the Materials Lists.

2021 Awards Ceremony will begin at 10AM on April 30

The SkillsUSA Ohio State Championships brings over 5000 competitors, business and industry partners, instructors, and vendors together in over 100 contests in all 16 Career Pathways to showcase Career and Technical Education in Ohio. Students compete for the title of best in Ohio in their respective career fields. This prestigious event has something for everyone.


Along with competitions students get a chance to campaign for the opportunity to be selected to be one of seven every year to hold the title of State Officer in the yearly delegate assembly and officer elections.



Registration Deadline: March 1

Registration Costs:

$70/Contestant, $60/Officer Candidate, $60/Voting Delegate

Students may have a regional contest to qualify for the State Championships-refer to the specific regional pages to determine if a regional contest is held for your students competition.

All Contests are created in accordance with the
2020-2021 National Technical Standards-these are
available with your professional membership.


**NEW for 2021**Contest Guides and Materials Lists 

will be posted by February 1 or
as they are finalized by contest coordinators-
these will have contest specific information regarding Ohio Contests.


Students running for office must take the qualifying test and submit an application by the deadline.

State and National Membership is required by the registration deadline to participate in the SkillsUSA Ohio State Championships.

All other Rules and Regulations can be found
in the SkillsUSA Ohio Program Guidelines.

*Exceptions for 2021*

  • Leadership Contests normally held at Regionals will move Straight to State


Unexpected and unforeseen changes may occur, SkillsUSA takes ever measure to get up to date information out quickly. Check back frequently for updates and make sure you are registered for the SkillsUSA Ohio Newsletter to stay up to date.




Frequently Asked Questions

Q: If there are mulitple dates listed for my off-site contest when do my students compete?

A: When registration closes, we will assign the order and notify the advisor of record


Q: If there are mulitple dates listed for my contest, does my student compete every day? 

A: No, they will receive their assigned contest time during orientation for all contests other the Off-Site Contests


Q: If there is a contest window for my students to take an exam does it have to be proctored? 

A: Yes, they can be proctored together, and the test can be taken anytime during that contest window. 


Q: Can my student compete and run for office or be a delegate?

A: Yes, they will need to be entered in the registration system twice, each with a unique email


Q: How many competitors can I send for a contest?

A: Please refer to the Program Guidlelines on Page 33


Q: Can we make substitutions?

A: Yes, you can make substitions up to 1 week prior to your contest please submit substitutions to, if it is a team event you MUST have at least 51% of the original team still intact to compete. As with all years you cannot substitute out an individual contest that had a regional qualifier, SkillsUSA Ohio must be notified to get ahold of the 4th place winner from Regionals.


Q: I cannot find my Materials List, when will it be posted?

A: We are posting materials lists at least 30 days prior to the competition or as we receive them.


Q: Can a parent drive their competitor to an off-site contest?

A: We defer to school policy on this, there MUST BE AN ADULT with the student and we mist be able to contact them in case of emergency.


Q: Do we need to register advisors?

A: No


Q: If I have 2 teams competing in a proctored contest do I need 2 proctors?

A: Yes, you need a proctor for each team.


Q: For In-person judged contests can we stream, broadcast, or record any contest?

A: No; (this includes video footage) this is to maintain the integrity of the contests.





Materials Lists

Contest Materials Lists are listed below by contest name. This is information specific to the Ohio Contests and should be used in conjunction with the National Technical Standards. 


In addition to the Materials Lists and National Technical Standards you should be familiar with the Contest Types Listed below:





Visit your contest type below for FAQ and additional details.
*Blue Text indicates the materials list has been revised since the original upload (as of 3/22/2021)
SkillsUSA Ohio

SkillsUSA Ohio is a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit association of 35,000 member students and educators partnering with business and industry to ensure that America has a globally competitive skilled workforce.

Phone: 614-604-6150

2550 Corporate Exchange Dr.

STE 115

Columbus, OH 43231

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