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SkillsUSA Ohio has an expansive network of resources pertaining to all 16 pathways we feature, but in this post, we will be spotlighting four of them:

  1. Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources

  2. Architecture & Construction

  3. Arts, Audio/Video Technology & Communication

  4. Business Management & Administration

If your passion lies in one of these vast pathways, we have amazing programs and educational opportunities to help lead you down your path to career readiness and fulfillment. Specializing in building soft and hard skills for your career interests, fostering growth and communication, and providing contacts and networking among the field you are interested in, are just some of the ways SkillsUSA Ohio helps students get ready for the workforce. Partnering with great educational institutions and industry leaders, every student is presented with experiences that will stay with them throughout their careers and offer unparalleled benefits.

Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources

Agriculture, or the science or practice of farming, is an essential career field supplying food for countless communities as well as wool and other necessities for humans to thrive and survive. Understanding all the facets of Agriculture and growing Natural Resources, students can take part in a variety of positions focusing on the advancement of our Earth, our society, and our economic growth.

Some of the responsibilities falling into this pathway for careers include:

  • Production of agricultural commodities such as food, fiber, wood products, horticultural crops, and plants and animal products.

  • Financing and marketing of distribution of agricultural products

  • Farm production and supply services

  • Horticulture and landscaping services

  • Conservation of land and water resources

  • Development and maintenance of natural resources

  • Environmental management

  • Plus many, many more

Ohio SkillsUSA Members that support this pathway include:

Architecture & Construction

The art and practice of designing and constructing buildings are one of the oldest and most important careers to span the world. Supplying a solid foundation and shelter to humans is an essential part of human survival. Designing a sound structure using precise measurements and configuration and then constructing it into a stable and sturdy edifice is a long and detailed process. Students will get hands-on opportunities to flourish in this field and understand all the pieces that must come together to construct a building, house, or facility.

Some of the responsibilities falling into this pathway for careers include:

  • Designing and planning physical structures

  • Managing, building, and maintaining physical structures

  • Comprehensive understanding of industrial, commercial, and residential facilities and buildings

  • Processing of materials into final products

  • Production planning and control of projects

  • Financing and marketing for construction projects

  • Business management within construction crews and vendors

  • Plus many, many more

Ohio SkillsUSA Members that support this pathway include:

Arts, Audio/Video Technology & Communication

This pathway encompasses designing, producing, exhibiting, performing, writing, and publishing multimedia content. Not limited to just one media outlet, this includes visual, performing arts and design, journalism, and entertainment. Students who choose this pathway work with instructors and industries on a variety of platforms to exhibit their skills.

Some of the responsibilities falling into this pathway for careers include:

  • Designing and producing multimedia content

  • Exhibiting and performing multimedia content

  • Writing and publishing multimedia content

  • Journalism

  • Entertainment services including visual and performing arts

  • Event communication and marketing

  • Plus, many, many more

Ohio SkillsUSA Members that support this pathway include:

Business Management and Administration

The Business Management and Administration pathways both require directing and organization. Business Management itself is such a broad umbrella of skills and responsibilities to produce successful results. Students will be exposed to all aspects of what it takes to manage, organize, produce, and sustain a business through SkillsUSA opportunities and experiences. Some of the responsibilities falling into this pathway for careers include:

  • Planning

  • Managing

  • Providing administrative and employee support

  • Information processing

  • Accounting

  • Human resource management and support

  • Finance and budget administration

  • Statistics

  • Plus, many, many more

Ohio SkillsUSA Members that support this pathway include:

To learn more about these Pathways and ways to get involved, contact us today and learn more about what SkillsUSA Ohio can do for your career development!

SkillsUSA Ohio

SkillsUSA Ohio is a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit association of 35,000 member students and educators partnering with business and industry to ensure that America has a globally competitive skilled workforce.

Phone: 614-604-6150

2550 Corporate Exchange Dr.

STE 115

Columbus, OH 43231

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